Alexander the Great purportedly added Socotra to his list of conquests in order to corner the market on Aloe Vera. The spiny green plants covered that Indian Ocean island, and he sought to make use of there gel on his soldiers wounds. The Egyptians had already dubbed it “the plant of immortality.” Although the aloe plant resembles a cactus, it’s actually a perennial succulent of the lily family. Of the nearly 200 species, the genus “vera” ((meaning true) is the one most frequently used Aloe has become a popular house plant. It requires little attention and is often helpful in treating burns.((When a leaf’s outer layer is peeled away, the jellylike substance underneath can be used to relieve pain and encourage rapid healing.) Enthusiasts have lately begun to suggest that ” the miracle plant” can cure depression, anemia tuberculous, even cancer. Aloe Vera’s wonderous benefits are usually touted in health food shop’s handouts and reprints of newspaper”testimonials.” In scientific terms, aloe gel is known to be a ingenious combination of astringent, and coagulating agents that inhibit pain and encourage rapid healing. Its reputation as the “health secret of the ancients” has boost sales of products for the skin and hair that contains Aloe Vera. But will Aloe Vera keep your skin looking youthful? It’s hard to say. Certainly, it won’t harm you—– allergic reactions are extremely rare.